Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 18 - Sydney to Gosford to Lake Munmorah 45 kms

Left Michael and Robyn's about 8.00 am and headed over to Mascot Station. As usual, Joe had fun trying to fit his bike and trailer into lifts to get onto the railway station platforms. Astounded at the great value of rail ticket to Gosford from Sydney, only $7.60 each. Caught train to Central where we eventually found our way to Platform 9 where our train was waiting. As it wasn't leaving for 45 minutes we had time to get our bikes on board and settle down. Guard came and told we need to load our bikes in the compartment at the end of the carriage so they weren't blocking the door between the carriages. As there was only room for one bike in each carriage Tony headed for another carriage while Joe unhooked in trailer and hung his bike from a hook provided for the purpose. Tony ended up 6 carriages away as the other carriages already had bikes in place.

The train ride to Gosford was quick and we were particularly impressed with the scenery around the Hawkesbury River. Arrived to be greeted by a heavy downpour of rain that continued for quite a while so we went shopping for our lunch.

Bought some rolls, cold meat, cheese and lettuce at Woolworths before heading out along the Central Coast Highway towards The Entrance. Joe met up with another old friend.

The traffic was awful and the road was rough with little shoulder. We went for about an before pulling over into a bus shelter to avoid more rain. We ate our lunch and then pushed on. At The Entrance we stopped take photos of the pelican perched on the street lamp on the bridge over Brisbane Water.

After this the road improved and we were able to make good time to Budgiewoi (Aboriginal for "Place for Budgie Smugglers").

Stopped to purchase dinner from the supermarket where Tony had another adoring fan that wanted to be photographed with him. He obliged.

Then rode on to Lake Munmorah State Recreation Reserve. We were expecting a small reserve with picnic facilities but were pleasantly surprised to find it was a really lovely spot with proper camping facilities. There were already a number of family groups camping there but we were able to find a quiet spot to set up our tents.

Went down to the beach for walk. There was an "unclad bathing area" on the beach and I feared that Tony would head straight down there however he opted for standing in the shallows fully clad. The water was beautifully clear and warm. I went in for brief swim in the surf before we headed back to camp.

Tony decided he did required beer and got on his bike and rode back down the road to a bottle shop. (Of course this was after deciding earlier in the day to have and "AFD" (alcohol free day to the ignorant). How weak-willed he is!!

Had BBQ'd lamb, leek and sage sausages with salad for dinner and fruit salad for dessert. When it got dark we went back to the beach under the full moon. Offshore the was trail of lights from all the bulk ore carriers queued up to get into port to pick Aussie coal. We saw this at Wollongong too.
Back to camp and off to bed. It started raining about 10.00 pm and then rained all night.

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