Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 8 Drummer's Rainforest Walk to Boydtown - 97 kms

Tough ride today.  It was good riding in the morning when it was cooler, but the temperature climbed to about 32 degrees.  Combined with the many hills we were buggered by the end of the day.  You may be able to see Joe at the top of this picture.  This hill seemed to go on forever.

Stopped at Genoa where were expecting to be able to stock up with water for the rest of the ride.  Turned out nothing was open in Genoa, in fact the sign itself seemed almost bigger than Genoa.

Had a lunch of peanut butter and pita bread at the side of the road.  Gave us some much needed energy to keep going.

We eventually got to Boydtown and checked into a caravan park right on the water.  First thing we did was strip off and head for a swim.  I have not included the pictures in this blog, but for those interested I will forward a picture of Joe on receipt of your credit card details.  Also provide a copy of your psychiatric referral.

Great beach and a great swim.  Went back and had a well deserved hot shower.  Did some washing at the laundry where the cheap buggers had removed the hot water taps.

We were both too tired to cook tea, so walked across to the Seahorse Inn for a few Amber Ales and a meal.

We updated the blog on the patio and then headed for bed.



  1. Hi Tony & Joe - seems you've crossed the border. Did you observe the tradition I told you about? It's the thing that two men must do together after they cross the NSW border by bicycle.

  2. You seem to be having a great ride. Hard for us back here who have to go to work every day. Keep the pictures coming.
