Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 3 Seaspray to Providence Ponds

Slow start this morning. Misty rain in Seaspray. Left town about 9.30 and rode to Sale. Steady speed, legs feeling a little weary. Spent 3 hours in Sale, most of it in a Chinese cafe next to the mall. We went there for morning tea and then discovered the "all you can eat buffet" for $8.50 so we stayed for lunch. We weren't the only ones. The cafe seemed to attract a disproportionate number of morbidly obese patrons.

Did some shopping for dinner and to replace my pedals and finally moved on about 2.30 pm. Replaced the pedals with cleats and bike shoes that had a small malfunction that meant I could not remove my shoe.  Did running repairs at McDonalds.

Originally planned to stop at Stratford but decided to kick on to Providence Ponds which is halfway between Stratford and Bairnsdale. Last 20 kms went by pretty quick. We are camping in the nature reserve here just far enough from the highway that we shouldn't be bothered by traffic noise.

Lots of mosquitoes and a very cold night and morning.


  1. Tents are very close to each other; hope you were able to get some sleep Tony.

    I see you drinking beer Joe!
    Now that is not gay!!

  2. true, but he secretly still has his lycra on under those trackies.
